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Classical guitar hanging in a shop.

5 Things You Need to Learn Classical Guitar: A Guitar

When starting to learn the classical guitar or furthering your guitar skills with fingerstyle, you will need a few things to get started down the right path.

Number one on the list is a good classical guitar to learn with. Even the beginner needs a good reliable instrument to start on. Many times beginners may not have the money to sink into an expensive, hand-made guitar.

Classical Guitars hanging in a shop.

However, there are those who, after beginning lessons quit, having discovered the immensely deep rabbit hole they just stumbled over and how much effort it will take to dig their way through it.

For these reasons: you need a reliable instrument, one that is affordable, and something that is not going to set you back thousands of dollars if you discover classical guitar is just not your thing. I highly recommend the Yamaha C40 II. The C40 sports a Spruce Top, Meranti Back and Sides, Nato Neck, and Rosewood Fingerboard.

I’ve never heard of Meranti, but it turns out that is one of the easiest hardwoods to work with and has little or no resistance to insects or decay. Which I would think would be good….um….wood. 🙂 As far as price, the C40 clocks in at around $150 USD. Not bad for something to learn and jam on.

The sound of the C40 is that of the traditional classical guitar. Beginners and casual intermediate players will find that it’s all they need. You’re probably not going to be playing a grand concert on stage with the C40, but as far as learning the instrument, it’s a great place to start. You can pick up a C40 at Sweetwater or Amazon

In part two, we will talk about everyone’s favorite learning tool, the metronome.

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